Our Values and Missions



cgto. is a design company that caters to sports apparel, lifestyle and accessory eco system for working athletes as well as professionals and hobbyists.

We deliver high end designs derived directly from Seoul, Korea and import our fabrics from Italy, with the aim of providing accessibility of our quality products globally. Every inch of our materials, designs and production are carefully thought out by humans, with the ever desire of evolving with each and every product.

Our name, Chief Great Taste Officer, replaces the traditional acronym of 'CEO' to reflect the highest level of style that we aim to provide, reflecting the famous quote from Deion Sanders (Hall of Fame NFL player) with a grappling twist:

"If you look good, you feel good,
You feel good, you roll good,
You roll good, they pay good"

We are forever grateful for your support, we look to provide more value to our community, and congratulations on your promotion to Chief Great Taste Officer.